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The difference between n-type photovoltaic panels and p-type photovoltaic panels!
 Apr 26, 2024|View:166

Semiconductor materials are different. N-type photovoltaic panels use materials such as single crystal silicon, and are additionally doped with elements such as phosphorus or arsenic. This doping introduces additional electrons, resulting in an excess of negative charge carriers; P-type photovoltaic panels use single-crystal silicon doped with elements such as boron. In materials such as crystalline or polysilicon, this doping creates additional holes that act as positive charge carriers.

The photoelectric effect is different. Both N-type photovoltaic panels and P-type photovoltaic panels will form electron-hole pairs under light irradiation, but the electrons of N-type photovoltaic panels are negative charge carriers, while the holes of P-type photovoltaic panels are positive charge carriers.

Performance is different. N-type photovoltaic panels have higher efficiency, lower light-induced degradation (LID) sensitivity, and lower temperature coefficient, which means that the efficiency drops less under high-temperature conditions; P-type photovoltaic panels have more advanced manufacturing processes and costs. Has advantages.

The applications are different. N-type photovoltaic panels are more suitable for areas with hot climates; P-type photovoltaic panels have more advantages in manufacturing technology and cost.

Market positions are different. At present, P-type photovoltaic panels still dominate the market, but N-type photovoltaic panels are gradually increasing their market share.trina solar panels

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